


7 July 2023

Lately, I feel like I’ve been having more moments where I overthink and feel a bit unsettled, possibly because I haven’t been able to make time for meditation.

It’s possible that I’m getting caught up in unnecessary worries.

The importance of meditation has been conveyed in various books, and I personally felt great when I used to do it consistently.

It helped stabilize my autonomic nervous system and I felt a sense of well-being.

If I can’t find time in the morning, maybe I should try to allocate some time in the evening instead.

I’ll make an effort to set aside time for meditation, affirmations, and stretching before bed.

It could simply be due to fatigue or lack of exercise, but I want to address this..!


overthink 考えすぎる

unsettled 落ち着かない

get caught up in ~に捕らわれる、~に巻き込まれる、~に夢中になる

conveyed 伝える,伝達する;感じさせる

personally 私自身、自分の考えでは、個人的には

stabilize 安定させる、一定に保つ

autonomic nervous system 自律神経

allocate 割り当てる,取っておく;配分する

make an effort to 〜するように努力する、努める

set aside time to 〜する時間を確保する、〜する機会を作る

fatigue 疲れ、疲労

address 取り組む、対処する


to make time 時間を作る、時間を取る

It’s possible that 〜な可能性がある

felt a sense of well-being 幸福感、健康生活感、安寧感

can’t find time 時間が取れない、~する時間[暇]がない

simply be due to 単純に〜が原因である

lack of 〜の欠落、〜不足

